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How Long Does a Divorce Take?

There are many questions that a person might have when they are going through a divorce. Some questions include how long the entire process will take and how much money it will cost.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is a type of divorce that occurs when both parties agree on the terms of the divorce. It includes alimony, child support, and division of assets. When a couple decides on all the words, the process is usually quick and easy. However, it can become complicated if the parties have issues.

A divorce can be a costly, time-consuming affair. Before you start, it’s a good idea to consult a divorce lawyer. This person can advise you on divorce and help you file your documents.

You will also want to serve the other party with the divorce papers. Typically, this is done by a process server. Most people use a sheriff’s office, but there are alternative ways of serving the paperwork.

At-fault or No-fault Divorce

Many factors play a role in the timing of a divorce. These include where you live, the type of divorce, and the grounds for the divorce.

In some cases, the process can be completed in a matter of weeks, but in other cases, it could take years.

Divorce can be a difficult and expensive process, so it’s a good idea to hire a divorce attorney to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. Getting started with the proper steps will make the process much easier and reduce costs.

An uncontested divorce is a good option for couples who can resolve their issues. It takes less time than a contested one, as no trial proceedings exist.

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In an uncontested divorce, the two parties agree on all aspects of the divorce, and there are no issues to be resolved in court.

For this reason, a divorce can be completed in as little as three months.


Mediation is a non-adversarial process that can speed up the divorce. It allows parties to engage in an open dialogue and will enable them to determine the outcome of the divorce on their terms.

Mediation can also help couples to establish clear and achievable goals for the future. For instance, spouses should develop specific plans for how they want to co-parent their children. They should also identify their priorities regarding financial and asset divisions.

The mediator will ask questions in a typical mediation session to gather information. This information is then summarized for each party to confirm that they understand.

While the divorce process may be extended, couples who choose mediation tend to have a faster and less expensive outcome. They also spend less time in court later.

Temporary Orders for Child Custody, Spousal Support, and Alimony

If you are facing a divorce, you may seek temporary orders for child custody, spousal support, and alimony during the divorce process. This can help resolve essential issues quickly. However, you must make sure you are ready before you request these.

You must file a motion with the court to request a temporary order. Then, you must provide information on the issues you seek to resolve. You may be asked to provide additional information, such as financial documents.

You should also prepare a supporting declaration. This statement under oath describes the facts you need to justify requesting a temporary order. It can be signed by you or someone else.

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Once you have filed the necessary paperwork with the family court, you should be prepared to appear at a hearing. At a hearing, the judge will review the issues you are requesting and decide whether to grant your request.


The cost of the entire divorce process is high. It can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars depending on the type of divorce you’re getting and the legal issues involved.

There are some ways you can save money. For example, you can hire a divorce mediator. Mediation is often less expensive than litigating in court. You can also find an attorney who offers flat rates for their services.

Other things you can do to save money include avoiding a trial. You’ll save money if you can agree on specific issues, such as custody of your children and property division. However, if you can’t, you’ll pay extra for lawyers to litigate your case in court.

One of the most important things you can do is choose the right tools for your divorce. The right tools can make the process easier and more cost-effective.

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