Government and Law

Do You Need To Give A Statement After An Accident? Your Journey To Full Compensation

If you are wondering if you need a police report after an accident occurs, the answer is yes. The police report may not be crucial in a court proceeding in minor accidents. However, your insurance company will try to seek any information from them to compensate you less or not compensate you at all. Here are some detailed reasons you must file a police statement even if the accident seems minor.

Evidence Of The Accident

As much as you may take photographs and have recorded reports from a witness, such efforts may be considered invalid until the police confirm your account. The work of the police at the scene is to provide evidence that you were hit and that you were not at fault. They also record the location of the accident and take pictures of the scene, showing the extent of the car’s damage. They may also access road CCTVs and evaluate the cause of the accident.

Provides Location Of The Accident

In the police report, the police indicate the location of the accident. This is crucial because you may choose not to file a report on a minor accident and become a suspect of a hit and run elsewhere. However, on a police report, the location where your accident occurred is indicated. Without a police statement, you may end up getting accused of an accident you were not involved in.

For A Full Compensation

Most insurance companies will find a way to evade compensating the victim with full pay. Ensure the police statement is not the reason they failed to repay you. Talk to a San Bernardino car accident attorney to guide you through the compensation process ensuring the insurance company pays for the damage caused during an accident.

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Preliminary Investigation

The investigation states facts that could have led to the accident. For instance, the police determine if the driver was on the wrong side and sober when driving. They also investigate the driver’s mental state and ask eyewitnesses to make statements that may help in court or prove that the accused driver was in the wrong.

Avoid Fraudsters

Not all people who ask you to let a minor accident pass have good intentions. Some may lay a trap and later report the accident, pretending to be victims of the accident. If the police investigate and find that your car was hit, you never said they would treat it as a hit and run. It’s always wise to file a police report, no matter how minor the accident seems.

For Medical Reasons

A police report is required in some hospitals when treating a patient involved in an accident. People may get injured when participating in unlawful activities and claim it was a car accident. Also, medical insurance will need proof that you were involved in a car accident before they start paying hospital bills.

Confirmation Of Your Own Report

You will also need your own report on account of the incident. Gather all the necessary information on the accident scene. Such information includes the number plate of the other driver, the insurance company of the driver at fault, and a picture showing the two cars. You can also take a selfie showing you next to the two vehicles. Interview witnesses, record their contact information, and record the incident’s time and date.

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If you look forward to compensation after a car accident, ensure you find yourself a skilled attorney to help you get compensated. The police report is among the crucial documents your lawyer needs when claiming your compensation.

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