Government and Law Home & Family

3 Coping Methods for Divorcing Men who Didn’t Want a Divorce

You didn’t want the divorce, and now it feels like your world is crashing down around you. This sense of loss and confusion may lead to feelings of anger, anxiety, depression, or hopelessness. These feelings can and will come and go. It may also affect how you cope with the day-to-day stresses that life throws at you. Coping methods for family law cases vary from person to person depending on their personality type and what they find helpful in dealing with emotional distress. 

Avoid Communication Full of Struggle with Your Ex

Even if you might be co-parenting or even parallel parenting with your ex, you must understand it’s always a waste of your energy on communication that is time-sucking, unproductive, and emotionally charged with anger. While you’ll need to be fully connected to your emotions to help you through this terrible time, it’s very advantageous to you to clamp them down when communicating with your ex.

  • Only use the shortest verbiage possible to get your point across.
  • Don’t inflame.
  • Don’t respond to baiting tactics.
  • State the facts calmly. Facts are only things that relate to your case; never a “they said-they said” situation surrounding those facts.

It’s normal for our minds to try and make sense of the things that happen to us, but working those things out in struggling communication with the ex is not helpful.

Exercise regularly

Modify your exercise routine so that it fits your new lifestyle and what you can handle day-to-day. It is not ideal to start training to become a triathlete if you don’t currently exercise. Exercise should focus on walking, non-jarring movements, nature-bathing, hiking, sports you engage in regularly with friends, or running if you already jog. Do physical activity outside of the home, when possible, to avoid furthering fostering negative emotions.

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Work with a Legal Team that Can Relate to Your Circumstances

While all family law lawyers are trained to take you through the family court processes, not all understand how vicious the process can be towards men. Many discounts the claims of smear campaigns and false accusations. To help you cope, it’s vital you work with a legal team like Cordell & Cordell, who understand what you’re going through. 


Everyone’s coping methods will be different. Be patient with yourself and do things that honor and respect yourself, knowing the situation will improve. Keep a trusted network of friends and family. Work with legal counsel that understands your case, such as the Cordell & Cordell team. You’re not alone in this.

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